Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I was so much happier back then! Wow. Sometimes i just amaze myslef. Mysefl. Myself. Wow. Army does alot to a man. I was reading my old posts. Nostalgia is something I really hate. I guess it's because it keeps reminding me of simpler times. So much simpler. I'm amazed. My last post here was about a year or so ago. This blog has been here since Sec School.Wow. It's been through alot.I hate it when all the memories start drifting up, when i blow the dust of these old old archives. And yet, it's starngely gratifying. Some posts are really good. It did teach me that i am who i am inside. I'm still that crazy,idiotic, ranting annoying bastard i was. Love me or hate me, it's who i am inside. I've just been too caught up in these goddamn hormones. I'm forgetting. No wait. I'm remembering. I've gotta be happy. It's been years. I've dug a hole of pain and sadness for myself. It's gotta go. The person i love most in still in my life. She would like me out of this rut as well. Somewhere deep down inside of me, where there is that bright yellow memories and love, that small voice tells me again to never give up, to relax, to let go of the bad, embrace my loves and of course, to live. The past few years have been difficult. But they're gone that's what they are.

"Breathe out,you never appreciate how good it feels." - me

alone at 6:38 AM