Monday, October 31, 2005

FLY,You Fools!

You ever felt that sometimes,you have so many thoughts racing through your head that it seems that you're trying to squeeze them through one of those cocktail measuring things they use to measure the amount of syrup for your blueberry milk tea in a bubble tea shop?Yeah.Oh,no,not just many different thoughts.The same thoughts seen in different facets,from different view points,from differing perceptions.Like a cube,that's rotating in mid-air,only,it's not a cube,but something with way many sides.You ever felt that sometimes there are thoughts you just can't control?Spoken within your ear to cause doubt,spreading it's seeds through your mind,making you worry?Taking away time that you want to spend with your other thoughts?Thoughts that you know in your heart, are pure and true?Like a veil.A flimsy piece of cloth dangling before you.A cloth that can speak,jeering you,hanging just before the oasis of good.What to do with this cloth?It's so thin,so false.You know it's not true,yet it never allows you peace?What to do?Rip it away,rip it apart.Such lies,disallow them footholds in your mind.Worry,Doubt.Kick them away,and believe in what you know is truth.Believe.Sometimes,they mingle with the truth,seeming to become one.Seeming.Fog,seeming neither to be air nor water.Seeming.Yet we know it's true nature.It is water,claiming to be air!It is water,pure and simple.Thus,lies will always be lies,and truth will always be truth.Do not deny yourself the right of truth.The right of Freedom of thought.They may mingle,but they can NEVER be one.Do not worry.All will be set right.Insecurities will plague your mind.Brush them aside.You are your master,master of your thoughts.Destroy those lies.Zap.Blow them to smithereens.Live life the way YOU WANT TO.Live life without doubt and worry.Live,LIFE.

This happens if you think too much.You reach a cliff.Now,the test.FLY.Everyone can.Fly.

"KABOOM!!!"-Me getting rid of an annoying thought.

Happy halloween by the way.With the bats and witches and the trick or treats.

alone at 7:25 PM

Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Frozen Clock

The ticking of the minute hand,silent,hardly noticed
Yet,every inching,to complete the cycle,
A gong in my mind,repeating,deafening
How time flees,from my grasp
Slipping through,like an elixer,
Ichor,much needed,forever depleted
What should i do?
How should i stop it?
Like collecting pure spring water,
Using nothing but a broken seive.
Throw it away?
Allow thought to consume it?
Like a wildfire upon a baked savannah?
For shame!
That is the coward's path
Revel in it,become one it,make it yours
For You are time,
And time is you.

-Paul.Victor(trying something new)

alone at 12:02 PM

Friday, October 21, 2005

Like Mud Through The Hourglass...

So are the days of my life.But unlike this famous soap opera of life,love and demonic posession,it(my life) isn't exactly overflowing with excitement.These days have been dead BORING.Mock exams here,natural diasters there,Annoying,secret spewing rat traps of sisters the other corner...sheesh.Okay,natural diasters are interesting,though not exactly a healthy interest.I mean,come on...surely you find hurricanes and cyclones fascinating?No?Funny?As in,cows flying all over the place?No?What?No i'm NOT being cynical.There is beauty everywhere,just cause it destroys houses and throws cows around,doesnt mean it ain't worth a gander.Hurricanes and typhoons are the same thing,by the way.Just that it's thyphoon in one hemisphere and hurricane in the other.Okay,enough for now,like i was saying,my life has been like an idiot on a treadmill.He thinks he's going somewhere,but he just ain't moving.At this time last year,i would have been rejoicing at the 2 month long freedom.Frolicking happily in the filthy,chicken cutlet filled shorelines of sentosa,watching movies that made no sense,and waking up with a smile on my face and a song in my 12 noon.Now,it's just this dense grey fog hanging before me.A tiny pinprick of light far ahead,but all round me the unknown cold of a major,international exam.Sure,everyone goes through it.So?I,have not.But still,optimism to the rescue.And that nagging Nike motto,Just do it.The fog will clear.I hope it does soon.

So,yeah.Not really fun to be me now eh?Then,today,my essay on stars got printed out.And there was this comment by,most possibly Madam Prema,on how i am a philosophical romantic or summat.Mature for a 16 year old. Thank you,Flattered,i am, but i do have regular sword(plastic ruler) fights with Sean(or Saen,as the class photo dictates.).Sides,i ain't even 16 yet...But,Madam Prema,well,hope you have a,i dunno,what do you say to a lady in labour?'s right...i think.So,yeah,i'll end here then.But i do think that Blogs are a great way to keep in touch.Maybe i should ask around...see if the teachers have any...

"ALOHAMORA!!Opened any locks?"-You know who you are.Well,not really a chockful of wisdom,but i found it funny.

alone at 5:53 PM

Thursday, October 20, 2005

"There's more to Creation than practicality.."

A quote from "Kindergarten" by James.E.Gunn.Quite a nice short story about God as a little 0kid.Caught your attention?Well,go and check it out at...

When was the last time you worked that Couch potato of a mind?Read it.Won't take more than five minutes.Unless you read really slow(shut up you...oh yes, you know who i'm talking about.)
but you should do fine.But really, i do feel that there's more to creation than practicality.Don't
you?Sure, all the pretty colors mean that they're poisonous,that cool looking horn and tusks?To crack ice and vegetation.Those sick ass green eyes?To see better in the dark.Those sciency types have a use for everything...what about the simple beauty of these things?Simple.The sky is blue because blue reflects light the best.So?Big deal,it may be complex light reflextion trajectorial crap to you,but to me, it's the granduer of a new day(much as i hate the early mornings).A nice color that reminds me of soft sea breeze and clerity of mind.Well, not really clerity,tried to read a book with the hypnotic splashing of the waves and the warm wind in your face.Good luck.So,yeah, my whole point is,Stop finding a frigging use for every damn thing and just enjoy the looks of it.Where has all the emotion gone?Test tubes and beakers?Speaking of test tubes, what the hell is that about test tube babies?What happened to the old fashioned way?Man's need to be perfect will be this stupid species' downfall.Intelligence,perhaps,isn't our best quality.What with the radpid deforestation and all.

So,anyways, today was Science PRACTICAL!!!YAY! O shot,enjoy it i say.Pretty easy,i was expecting no less than some sorta radioactive chemical...But we had fun with rolling stuff down a wooden ramp.You know that song?Just keep rollin,rollin,rollin,rollin?Yeah, couldnt get it outta my head.But,really,my mind felt like it was truding through mud,or snow,or muddy snow.Maybe i was sleepy or maybe there was an information overload or maybe i just smelt too much chlorine in question A....But, was pretty easy for the dreadedd O LEVELS.i end with this:SHOOT FOR THE STARS,BABY!AND HAVE FUN DOING IT.

Russell said something terribly intelligent and emotional today.Had to immortalize it.
"If you're not crying on the outside,You're crying on the inside."-Russell lim.Ouch.

alone at 4:02 PM

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

So much for cornrows...

Yeah,cornrows...Or are they called cornRolls?Longstanding debate,but, like all longstanding debates,they never come to a definite conclusion.Heck,still can't decide over the falklands can they?So, anyway, visited the -snort- Barber yesterday...The infamous butcher of hair,destroyer of folicles,Razer of the many...okay,never mind...had a bloody haircut okay?There goes the corn rolls...well, it's all cause of dear old dad really...He keeps saying that he's gonna cut my hair to bits while i'm sleeping...Maybe it was the continued threats,maybe it was that bald gut on tv, maybe it was the tuna i ate before bed,whatever it was,i dreamt i woke up bald...Quite paradoxical really,waking up in a dream.Huh.Well, it scared me to such an extent that, well, you know...To add to my great despair,I was happily cutting away on a packet of Jubes Nata De Coco,strawberry flavored,when i cut myself.On the finger,Hard.I swear you could see the bone.And the amount of blood!!!My god!Blood everywhere,the table top,the eggs in the fridge,my mom's tea,it was raining!!!Well, not really...i'm still typing arent i?Not much blood, but i see that iodine and plasters are gonna be with me for a long time to,yeah.Now edward Scissorhands is my greatest fear. this true?Does our homeboy have a....Love interest?No a very smart move by putting this on the blog...considering that, well,people you don't want to know of these things read it....But...sigh....the way her long locks glint auburn in the morning light that lazily flits through the open window the classroom.How the dust particles dance around her in a parade that celebrates Yin.I sincerelly hope that you will share my secrets and, like good tv crazed addicts,will advise me as you see fit in my coming escapades.Whaddya say my Readers?Be that pool of bad advice?Thank you.I hope you people will SHUT UP about this(Especially one...whom i'm related to.It's no one you know, so,HAH.)Did i mention she had LONG hair?

Well,all bout hair today i see.Now, if you will,i have a conference to attend to.Good day folk.Rememeber,by reading this,you are therefore restricting yourself to a contract that binds you(party A) with an oath to complete secrecy abouth the issues hence and thereoff contained in this blog.Any hinting or blatant speaking of such issues will result in dire consequences.Every dirty little secret i know about you will be sent to everyone of importance.And believe me...I know alot...willing to take the chance?

"You know what they say,hair today,gone tomorrow."-Normad.

alone at 10:31 PM

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Well,i mean that both literally and metaphorically.Or was that figuratively?Whatever it is, i mean it in all sense.Seriously, could'nt think of a title.Why?Well, because the mock "exams" are screwing with my mind.When you wake up at two a.m all drenched out in a cold sweat and thinking about Faraday chasing you around with a giant metal ring...well, i guess even freud would say it ain't a good sign.Mock is a bad word.Not only because it last two letters are similar to a well used and peppered swear word, but cause it M and O in the front.Mental Overhaul.Okay, i know i'm not making sense, i rarely do,so,hey.So, like i was saying,i think these Mock Exam thing is some long running joke from our beloved seniors.Sure, after they got their bloody result in their grubby little hands,the Mind breaking Mock Exams were USEFUL.Argh!Sometimes,in the middle of a two hour long paper, i just lose the will to fight.Then i lapse into happy little dreams where Sir Victor the Brave bravely fights off fire breathing rats with wings(dragons) and saves some beautiful damsel or another from green cannibal midgets.Then i wake uo to find dragon slop on my table(this,might,however,be my drool) and find my test paper missing.After a while though, it falls mysteriously from the above.Well, actually,in the sweltering conditions of the merged classrooms(and from the dragon's breath) it gets stuck to my forehead.

Then, i tried Vegetarian food.My god,that was the worst mistake of my young and accomplished life...Which makes me hate the word Mock even more.Clones never win,and Soy beans can never be chicken.Or fish.Or pork.I now have new respect for vegetarians.So much for healthy living...I wonder if teachers have blogs btw....So, in conclusion,Mock is bad.Stick to the real things.Mock exams are just there to,well,mock you.

"I shall raise a grand clone army...To counter the increasing threats of the seperatists."-Well,clones never win.Not those from kamino or even those of Bobba Fett(Or was it Jango?).Go REBELS!!!!

Current reading:The Golem's Eye,Bartimaeus Trilogy Part 2.Johnathan Stround.Highly Recomomended.

alone at 8:28 PM

Thursday, October 06, 2005

My Bushido(no, it's not a bug)

Well, the title pretty much speaks it's worth.So,that's what i'm going to do,give you my honour system.Get ready to see what an honourable person i am.

1) I Shall never ever for never ever ever....Steal another writer's work.Well,this is my number one.My commandment number one.I know how much it hurts when what ever it is people plagerise from me is used in the WRONG CONTEXT.Using it in the right context is fine.But come on guys,understand the art,then use it.

2)I will never ever....Steal another guy's girlfriend.That is just downright despicable.However, this law will not apply if said girl WANTS to be stolen.Then,well, sorry buddy,hell hath no fury like a woman scorned(and they get scorned very easily,not doing what she wants you to is in fact,scorning her.)

3)I shall never shun a righteous person.Well, yeah.If i shun you,then, i don't consider you righteouss.

4)I will never beat up or arrange to have someone beaten under false pretences.All evidences and proof will be collected before actual beating occurs.Tongue lashing may continue as per normal.

5)I will only do something i really,really don't want to do when personal or mass gain is involved.Now the mass gain part needs some elaboration.Say those big head science boys in Russia create a growth formula for crops.And they need a human to taste test a strawberry chemically enhanced till it is the size of a human brain,i would go, only if the said formula will cure poverty and malnutrion in the Sahel regions of Africa.

6)I will never insult another's family.Unless, of course,it's my family i'm insulting.Please note that YO MOMMA jokes are not inclusive.

7)I will ALWAYS take the high road and smile insults(or fists) thrown at me.If the conflict is unresolved.Then refer to No.4.

8)I will never ever insult a girl or make her cry,even indirectly.I seriously don't think i can take it.I mean, i can never live with it.(The only girl not bound by this code(at leasst the insult part) is my dear sister.)

And finally,

8)All bushido code of honour laws will be broken if,and only if, there is suffient reason to.Or if the payoff is so immense that i'll drown in it(and i can get out of the situation relatively unharmed and still have my dignity...which is unlikely.)

So,there you go,my code of honour.My Bushido.It may not be samurai like.I am NOT willing to die for them(well except for No 8....sorta...if it's someone i really like). And,well, at least i have something to live by.Sorta.In a twilight zone sorta way.

"Any man who has not yet found something he would die for does not deserve to live"-Some guy.Pretty powerful eh?For me, it's writing.For emotion.For Love.( not really for love, just thought it'd sound more cool.)

alone at 7:25 AM

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Massacre of the Mind

What do i mean?Well, think about it,then again, don't.What i mean is, every time you think,be about exams,about life,or even if you rack your brains about what you ate last thursday(it take a long time to figure,trust me) you are KILLING your brain cells.GASP!You are murdeering yourself!What a bloody surprise!Now, how is this possible?Well, your thoughts are actaully electrostatic pulses.They travel along your nerves,frying a couple a hundred brain cells on the way.Now, SO WHAT? You might say.Blood cells regenerate,tissues heal.Sorry to burst your bubble,brain cells don't.Meaning, you are steadily dumbening everytime you work out that income tax return form.Not so pleasant eh?Why is it we feel nothing when thousands of our cells are dying in agony as we finally decide what to have for lunch? Scientists(why don't they ever NAME these faceless "scientists",if that is their real name) speculate that either the charges are so minute that you don't feel them,or it is because the brain does not feel pain at all(they are absent of pain...transceivers).So yeah.You might be begging me to tell you what to do to stop the infitismal murder.Well, it's really easy.Stop thinking bout things that don't matter.Stop thinking about painful memories.Stop worrying about the future.Think about what you have to.Live in the NOW people,not in the past or the unknown future.

"No one can run from their past,they'll be running in circles."-Max Payne.
My say:Stop running.Turn around.Destroy it.

So yeah,an update into my life at large.Well, finally listened to the constant nagging.Took to studying.Results Suck.Motivation attained.The only thing i'm happy about was that i topped the class for Literature.Took a humonguos Risk(the game of global domination) in the fact that i went AGAINST what the question was asking about.

Eg. "How sorry do you feel blah blah"

Me: "I Do not feel sorry for blah blah at all."

Well, what's life without a couple of gambles?I am only saying this cause this one paid off.But anyways, my scope of the world has been greatly reduced due to mugging,i'll see ya guys again...soon....i hope.

"I am going through a process f dumbening,wait a minute,that's not how you spell dumbening....Wait a minute! Dumbening isn't even a word!"-Lisa J Simpson.

alone at 11:26 AM