Friday, July 22, 2005


Let me open with a little something i heard on GOLD 90.00FM."Women play golf to meet doctors.Men play golf,well,because they are doctors."Lame,i know,Doesn't make much sense..but hey,What can you expect from a jock at a oldies station?Sure as hell i don't wanna be in a job that calls what i do"practice".I mean,you make a little mistake,leave a small stainless steel instrument in someone's chest cavity,and you get screwed by every judical system in a eight hundred mile radius.So,anyways,You know me, not really into the whole soccer scene.Heck, not into the whole sports scene.What's the fun in kicking a ball around?Hitting a tiny weeny ball with 336 dimples for max air time(time in tha air,not time on TV.) with a heavy metal stick.Now,that's where the action is.A wonder that golf isn't a more bloodier sport...Why the sudden interest?Well,i don't know.Seriously.How hard can it be? Hit ball "A", with stick "B",into hole "C".Like hell.There are 34 standard golf rules by the...umm...Official golf rules making organisation.The OGRMO.Plus,there's no annoying,not to mention BORING commentator saying the name of everyone on the damn field!I mean,someday...i'm gonna puch his lights out."..and rooney gets the ball.Passes it to ronaldo.rooney again.Ronaldino.(at this point he slurps his coffee.)Rooney.Rooney has the ball(DUH).Rooney runs.Rooney....CRASH!!!(Thats where i punch him.)So yea,Golf.God's Original Life of intended Fun.

So,today...Well.Pretty routine.100 days to go to the O Levels...100 days until judgement day.Oh yea, the class felt tremors the other day too.During Social Studies.God does not like Singapore's housing policies.When the big guy says something.I LISTEN.So anyways,today we practice the Teacher's day Skit thing.I became some kinda Divine character.Don't ask.So yea.I hope those dumb little juniors in their dumb little classes in their happy half crazedd delusions get ouur jokes.So,yea. i have to go study now.Bye."Someone" is sure making a fuss...Asshole(not you,that someone.).

"The silence of the lambs is not denoted by the noiselessness of farm animals."

alone at 7:45 PM

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Contemplation...Understanding is up to the intellectual.

In light of recent spats of socio-political views,Aww,come on guys,don't be so modest,Get up paul(domingo),Linda,give the people a bow...I have simple advice for you,domingo,Don't mess with the political science student until you KNOW half the impact of the words leaving your pie-hole(mouth.Do you eat pies through your behind?).Remember,tangle with the queen,and buckingham palace guards with the long furry hats come after you...So anyways,I hate to brag,but this is MY blog, and like it or not,You guys are hearing MY views on this.Quit sighing.Okay,Let me pretend i care.....There,done.Remember,Secondary school social studies can only take you so far.That is,if you aren't tempted by the bright lights of PROPAGANDA!Hmm.Well.Yea.

People of the world!No,don't spice up your life...Anyways, a very controversial topic has been brought to us yesterday.A certain SOMEONE mixing hate and theology and sympathy for the london blasts.But first...,Dearest Linda,Might was right in the old testament you know,cannanites and bloody battles and all.Led by GOD.Why?Hmm...Interesting.Why?Such a universal question.So simple in it's antiqty,yet the most complex in all it's ramified proverbial meanings.Why?What is the answer for so cosmonomical a question?Because.That's it.Because.Wise men leave it at that.The contemplation would destroy half your brain.Because.So,If someone asks you why,Just say because.It may sound airheaded and bimbo-ish,but hey!Things always have a level deeper.There is always something more.Man is Man.We are unable to see the WHOLE picture.Sure,we can acknowledge the fact, but come to a complete answer.Never.The mysteries are too deep.Therefore,maths,science,language,politics,Man -made intangibles always have an answer.X=?.Man can never attain that depth.Think about it,Everything man made has an answer.Deep within the confine of man's heart lies the truth.But,What is truth?Layers upon layers of lies.Isn't life a lie to some?Then what is truth?Superficial levels in a pandora's box of the unknown?The heart.Do you see what i'm getting at? Everthing man says,does, a little bit of that infinity,that everlasting greatness,That which is unknown gets left behind.I said before that human problems have a solution.Maybe they don't.Maybe they are as the secrets of life?Swirls and layers of mystery.Neverending.But man has that limit.Ha.Calculus teaches of limits.Limit.Mankind is bounded by it.No matter how far man unravels life,he cannot go the whole way.Limit exists.The End.It will come.That is what God is all about.To receive you when you finally fall in this mortal body.Why would life exist,No,why would the universe exist,the sun,moon,stars,planets,why would they exist?What is the purpose of existance?GOD.A force,a father,a creator.Life didn't just happen.Every beating heart,heck,even things that have no hearts,that spark of life,exists.You tell me that "just happened"?Where did that come from?That spark.A soul?A spirit?Personality?Where did that come from?And you tell me we come from somekinda freaking MONKEY?God is there.he created us.You may think it superficial,blaming life,something man has contemplated foe centuries,on a reason because he can't come up with something better?God.Just a reason for life?Nonsense.God is here.He created life.Life did not just HAPPEN.God.Father.Why bind us?Why not let us know the truth?It is your will.Your will father.Whatever happens, i live my life with you in my heart.For you provide comfort,not from the unknown,for you created the unknown itself.And one day,All will be revealed.Life ,existance,why,they will make sense,the unknown will be no more.For the lord will deliver us.For he is God.Mighty creator.Lord over all.All things come from him.For GOD=LOVE.and i find spiritual assesment,spiritual peace as i write this.Please listen.This isn't some ranting rave.This is my contemplation.May be i will never reach an understanding.Maybe i already have.This is my view.Far as i go.I have mixed my heart with my mind.And this is what has been birthed.Call me a raving lunatic,call me what you want.I have found peace.I have found understanding.You can too.Go ahead.Sit down for an hour.Contemplate.

Well....My largest side track so far.Whatever happened to the london bombings?Heh,maybe another day.i'm pooped.skip my life view today.okay?Well,bye folks.You guys think too.I hpoe you get this...

"Today,i can truly say,I HAVE THOUGHT!"-Paul.Victor.

alone at 9:35 PM

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

"Hey!Antonio!Who put the violin in the violin case?"

Alphonse Capone.Who was this man?Are you kidding me?Al Capone(Snorkey,as affectionately called by close friends) was,hands down,two thumbs up, the greatest mob boss the world had ever seen.Seriously.This man REDEFINED organized crime.More than a mere bootlegger(supplier of illegal liquor), more than a petty theif.Al Capone was...revolutionary.He may not have preached peace like Ghandi,May not have slapped the face of science around like Thomas Edison,May not have made differently...oriented men slightly accepted like Boy George(Yuck Yuck! ptuoooi!*spits* *scrapes tounge*Basta...Baskets.They should create something like a T-Virus to wipe every last one of them queer folk from the face of this earth.)So anyway, Al Capone,criminal,leader,figurehead.Who was this man?Well,for one,he assainated his old boss Frank(ie) Yale.Yup.Gunned him down at some sidewalk.First time a tommygun was used to kill a gangster.Some of you may know him also as scarface.Well,seems he went and insulted(or complimented some dude's girl(told her she had a nice ass.No,he seriously did.)So this guy had a knife see?And things got ugly.You know these mobsters,You Toucha My babaee,i'll cut you inta bits and make sure yis sleep with tha fishes.So yea.Al grew greater as time passed.Married an irish chick,Mae,i think the name.When he was finally arrested,He made headlines.The chicago Tribune format:
In other news,Thomas Edison dies in sleep at 84.

There.October 17 1931.You would think the guy who brought you,oh, nothing big,ONLY THE LIGHTBULB!!! would be page 1.You'd be wrong though.And so,Alphonse Capone will forever be immortalized in this blog.A tribute,To the Mob Boss who opened a Soup Kitchen for the unemployed during the Depression.

Today,i missed school again.Why you think i brushed up on my mob knowledge?So,yeah.Just lazed around.The new TV's here.With it's 5 SPEAKER STRONG HOME THEATRE SYSTEM!!!Yeah BABY!.Well.yea.Okay,i think i'll go laze,i mean study somemore.Sees ya.

"Worried,Who wouldn't be?"-Al Capone,with large smile on face as he heads to court.

This may stem from the tiny unimportant fact that he thought he BOUGHT out the Jury.You just gotta love this guy.

alone at 3:58 PM

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Star Spangled Banner

Hello All!!Happy Independence Day Everyone!Today(Well, yesterday,to be exact) we celebrate the day when the world's leading nation(No,not kurdistan,A-M-E-R-I-C-A) came into sweet independence.Yes,it was this day long ago when the nation's finest minds came together to sign the sacred constituition that gave that country it's law,justice,equality and freedom of speech.Yes.The Declaration of Independence was signed this very day...Okay,so i'm a day late,so what? The people who signed it included John Hancock(Now who is remembered only through the insurance company which bears his name), Benjamin Franklin(The twit who was flying a kite in the middle of a storm.) William Whipple(I don't know who he is..but check out his funny name.) John Whitherspoon(Ancestor of Reese Whitherspoon?) and..yea.So on.This day in history! We salute the birth of the Red,White and Blue! The Stars and the Stripes.The land of the Free!!!!(Which the white men stole from the red men.)Whoo!Go George Washington!(Who is now remembered for his white hair,wooden teeth and love of all things free.) OH SAY CAN YOU SEE? IN THE DAWN'S EARLY LIGHT...

Well,missed school today.Why you ask?Well,i believe that it is of the utmost import that every country in the world, no matter how small and corrupt, should take a day off to gaze upon that hallowed banner of the free.Of the uoppressed.Of the brave.The banner upon which the world sits on,the dignatory of peace,the congress of progress.Okay fine. I had a really bad stomach ache last night.I mean REALLY bad.It felt like Hiroshima's twin world trade centres coming down with the panic of the Bali bombing.In my meant Crap-Factory.I know it doesn't make sense.But for the love of Mankind! It was the pacific ring of fire in there(which by the way is located around indonesia,hawaii..)So yeah..One AM and i was in the toilet,feeling like i was being repeatedly run over by a garbage monster truck.Sheesh.Okay,i should stop freaking you guys out with my water closet escapades.So yea.just lazing around today.Have a new goal in life though.Buy my own ISLAND.Yes.And you,my loyal fans,will have all access VIP passes....To paradise!Where women in grass skirts will be serving you mango juice on the rocks in coconut shells.Yea.Paul-ra-dise.Perfect.

In the news today...Gay marraiges are now allowed in Italy.Amazing.Does no one else see that this is hugely wrong? "They are people too" i've heard that alot of times.But....Come on!Man wasn't created to behave like that! Say what you want,but my assertion stands.Down with gays!There's something about men and...well,men...that just disgust me.They make me shudder.What is the world coming too?I really don't know.

"One must bury the proverbial hachet before one can kick the proverbial ass."

alone at 2:33 PM

Friday, July 01, 2005

Death To Tamil!

Death to Tamil!!!It's time to put some camomile on that 2000 year old itch upon the face of fair earth!But,i do doubt that Camomile can extinguish this language.It's like a roach of some sort,No matter how many times you stomp on it another one pops up somewhere.Heck,Roaches can even run around without heads.Kinda reminds you of the equally filthy scum of the indian political system.Don't get me wrong,banging on the table and shouting about politics brings me down to their...level.They talk so much about politics but don't do nothing about they're own.Please people,don't follow suit in the indian bashing. I have the rights to do so cause i AM one of em.There.I admitted it.I'm not proud of their state,i hate their food, and also their accent and i destest their mentality and culture totally.But facing facts, i am one of them.I am Indian. And that is one of my many great purposes on earth.To bring the Indians back to their former glory(if they had any) and change the mindset of the world! I don't speak the language, But i don't care. Indians are smart people.Haven't i established my hate of their current disposition? I'm not raising them up.They do have brains,"IT support", but just aren't allowed to open it up.You know what's blocking that?The same thing that's preventing villages,and millions, from hopping onto the bullet train out of third world idiocy.What is this force field that even mimes fear gestulating about? CORRUPTION! For a country of 1,YES ONE BILLION PEOPLE, No one stands up to the calamity the socio-political scene is in.Come on! Can no one see the perpetual drunken party going on in the parliament?2 billion eyes are watching.1 billion minds know.2 billion hands swing aimlessly as they shun away the situation.Assumption made that everyone in india know of political unrest.So that's why i'm here.And so with me, the chaos will finally,come to an end.*lights dim on solitary figure sitting at desk*
"Until Next time,Paul's eye on the world will be watching...You!"
*Figure gets up to exit stage area.*
*Figure hits knee at desk leg.Cursing ensues.*

So,today.Hum.Well.Tamil Oral Examinations.I can't remember it properly.I think adrenaline causes memory loss....At least the two examiners were all happy,smiley.I think.The topics for converstion were,Why is singapore such a great place to live in,I got prompted with this: If you had the opportunity,Which Country would you move to and why.I said i'll stay in the Sing dynasty.The other one was your views on parents squeezing out info from your friends.Yea.Well,at least i didnt get Terrorists and Diaseases.The past few days were also spent doing math,geography and social studies.Sheesh.Well,i flunked physics by 1 and a half points.Darn . How was i to know that Sec 3 topics were prevalent.Swing serenade.Song of springfield swing.Heard on radio.You know my bad sentence structures mean i'm watching simpsons.Today's episode is 22 short stories of springfield.Okay,i'l go now can't...multi task..

Saying" read siglet."

alone at 6:08 PM