Saturday, January 28, 2006

Woof! Bark! Yip! And other Canine Noises!

Happy Chinese New Year!It's the Year of the dog! Or,the fire dog to be more exact.One quarter of the world is celebrating this momentous occasion.Business men are going nuts with almanacs and stuff.But, we must remeber to be nice to Dre,the dog,and my sister.Cause she's born in the year of the dog.Yes,i will not make any jokes about her likeness to one.No i won't.

Okay,let's take a look at the zodiac a bit.The dog is an earth sign.Got it?Yeah.And the Yearly quality changes every ten years.Therefore,this year is the fire dog.Understood?Yeah...well...

The last time that was a fire dog year was in 1946.Ring a bell?No?Idiots! It was the end of WW2!And the Un had it's first assembly too.So,basically,it was a year of recovery.Something about the emmies too...For flim.The emmy award for flims were founded in that year too.Along with numerous scientific Cradazzle that i will not ramify on.Which makes one appreciate just how much can happen in a year.So,people,Fire dog.

And Lenin was born in the year of the dog too...Lenin.Zepplin,the guy who created them helium balloons too.Andrea has some competition.

This post is just a bit o side note.The post under this,Is still the HIGHLIGHT of this blog.Please read it and comment.Thank you.And have a fiery year of passion,romance,and dogged existance!

"Happy year of the Dog!!!.......Doesn't that sound degrading to you?" - Commander Sean W.M.H

alone at 9:07 PM

Friday, January 27, 2006

I feel so Old

Like centuries of dirty soap water has been poured upon me.I feel so old.Grabbed by the ankle and dragged out of the cold dark safety of the womb,forced to open my eyes to a world where i see only grime.And nothing in common with me.I feel so old.

Why though?It IS becoming an increasisngly adulterated world.All for the consumer rights of hot blooded males,we rob our children of their innocence?I mean,i wouldn't be surprised to see strippers on Sesame Street,the rate we're going.And yet, movie companies and the showbiz department always add a little something something for the parents in kid shows.A cannotation,a joke.It's always there.Like,for example,in that movie,Antz?The one with all the Antz? The main character says to the heroine: "All right!You're getting off my most erotic fantasies list!"...Sure,a joke to the adults.But what if a kid asks,what does most erotic mean?Then,well, the parents could always lie...But the fact of the matter is,They are still exposed to this.Another example would be in the movie splitsville,A FAMILY show.You see this little kid,about...6 or 7.He screams out the word,sex!!!!Towards the end of the show.An inoocent potrayal of a child's view on the matter was what the producers were intending.But it was pretty unnnerving to see that seen.All that shit about letting your child "broaden his horizons",well,Sure,but not when the lil bugger can hardly walk!

I remember when i was first exposed to the matter.A tiny kid,with a bloody heavy school bag.Everyone was talking bout it in primary school.It was a topic shrouded in a dark enigma.And all we did was play around the edges.But play we did,mixing fact and fiction,imagination and reality.Horrible times those,when girls transformed from your best friends to something you should,frankly,be afraid off.No one could have a decent conversation with the opposite gender without being taunted.And then there were the crushes.Something i still can't figure out.So primal the instinct,and it is seen so early in life.I had my first one in kindergarten.It was pure.Not filth that was made with dollops of mystery.I truly thought that girl was pretty.It was that.

So basically,Love has always been there.It has always existed.Now it's being confused with lust.And this is happening to younger kids...and getting younger too.

Pornography.Sure,it has existed for centuries.Writings about prostitutes.But it was probably used by grown men in the battlefield.Not by kids.So easily accessible it is today.So easily they can be corrupt.It is the learning factor.And the desire to put into practice that creates offenders.They cannot control themselves.It is sad really.

I feel so old.And as i look at the world,i don't feel that i am part of this.I don't. I watch.And all around me,men holding constitutions and corrupting politics,I see them as undisciplined little children.Running around,thinking about themselves.Is there no one else that sees the big picture?No one else?I feel so old.Thrust into a world i see with all completeness,I know every facet of,And yet,cannot understand why it has to be.I feel so old.Yet i will continue to watch.For i am very interested in seeing where life will take me.Curiosity abounds.I feel old,but my desire to see myself true burns young.It shall never be quenched.

"I would carry an umbrella around these days.I would be expecting a hail of fire and brimstone any second now."-Me

alone at 8:00 PM

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Self presevation,Is what's really going on...

It has come to my attention that certain of my friends are behaving like carpets and letting others walk all over them,namely,my other friends.Sure,you let Girls walk over you man..Not anyone else...Sheesh.In this day and age,Wit is your only weapon against being chewed up and spat out by the many smartasses and jerkswinebags around.Therefore,it is with great pride that i bring you:My official idiot's guide(declassified and unabridged) to Hurling your very own insult!

Lesson 1) Standing up.

You let me undermine you by calling you an idiot?!What kind of moron are you?You're not going to take that lying down!Be assertive!Stand up for yourself you weenie!You have every right to insult back,whichever ass wipe is insulting you!You have rights too.Well,more than certain domestic animals anyway.

In a goddam nutshell:It's time you learned that you are a person too.Be assertive(i.e. Agressive.i.e.mean).

Lesson 2) Recognizing word play.

Wit,sarcasm,Subtlty.These are the literary devices skilled insulters use.Recognize it.Know what they are.

Wit-Usually whip lash fast.Smart.A retort.A pointing out of a key feature that may not be insulting.That is where the power of wit lies.Making it an insult without much seeming like one.Wit however,might not be taken into account as an insult.Theorists and critics are still argueing this one out.Gravediggers normally use this as a form of humour to the audience.

Countering wit-Now,you're safe it only the two of you are duking it out.Wit is used to generate laughs among those there.If there are more people there,wit can only be combated with wit itself. But remember,the knife takes time to sharpen.You'll get the hang of it.

Sarcasm-Much favoured by those with mediocre to high intelligence.It can go horribly wrong and sound really stupid if not 'delivered'(delivery will be covered later) properly.Sarcasm,the pointing out of flaws and highlighting of a person's stupidity.Generally makes the insulted fell as smart as a piece of corodded iron.It's all in the delivery.

Countering sarcasm-RECOGNIZE IT.Know how it caresses the mind and injects its poison.From there,a knowing look is enough.The sarcasm has been broken through.

Subtelty-Cruel.Being insulted without knowing it.

Countering subtlty-Be strong with your language.Body and words must be read through.There is no direct wall against this opposition.So,USE IT.

Lesson 3)Dodging

An insult is thrown at you.Dodge it.This is entirely using body language.A blur look will only entice the use of more advanced wordplay.Shoot back with a look of defiance.

Lesson 4)Rolling

Roll the insult you've just received over on your tongue and mind.Explore it's many facets and find it's gaping hole.There always is one.We are human.Think.

Lesson 5)Retort

Think of something relating to the insult.And let'er rip!Use the devices.Soon,you'll have your very own style of insulting.Remember,Going the high road is only for people who aren't worth your time.For everyone else,there's mastercard.And protecting yourself from verbal abuse you don't have to take.

Lesson 6)Delivery

With your insults it is best to include a snide edge to your voice.Poison and venom come in handy too.Use in moderation.And if it don't kill makes you stronger.

Lesson 7) Continue

Get the upper hand.And start a barrage.Adjust your ruthlessness to your disposal.

Well,that's it.Now you have been imbued with the power to insult.Get up carpet head.It's time to face the world!

alone at 7:53 PM

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

All i am saying...

Give peace a chance.But alas,the fight for peace has never been easy.Nor has it been completely fulfilled.Peace,War.Life.A natural part of it?Will any man,born throughout any of the centuries,face the dilemma of warfare?Of moral,social or national warfare?Now...Oh yes,now.It is being fought just under the surface,by what bigwigs we know of.Corruption versus Justice.But are they not just points of view?A corrupt man might never see himself that way.He fights for what he thinks is justice.And dies that way.A perception.Just like what a sasquatch might be doing in a pudding factory.

Martin Luther King Jr said,"I have a dream." John and yoko sang,"Give peace a chance." And Malcom X exclaimed,"I believe in the brotherood of men.All men."
And what happened to these dictators of peace?Perhaps it isn't so unexpected.They were all shot.Assasinated.They fought for similar beliefs,through different mediums and stratedgies. Dr Luther shook it up in the political scene.Common people perhaps only knew him as a just man.He was perhaps similar to those he was fighting against.A shadowy figure at the top.But he decended.To the people.He was "at the mountaintop".The very next day,he was assinated.

Mr Lennon fought in a loophole in the entertaiment industry.He connected with the people.He was shot.4 bullets in his back.One severing his aorta.

Malcom X....was different.The rest of his quote is as follows."but I don’t believe in brotherhood with anybody who doesn’t want brotherhood with me. I believe in treating people right, but I’m not going to waste my time trying to treat somebody right who doesn’t know how to return the treatment."

He fought with power itself.He used anger.His perception was not absolute.He held no "anti violence" acts.He used violence.He garnered fear.Respect.Awe.But in the end,At 39 years of age,15.Yes,15 gunmen rushed him on stage.

Of all who fought for peace,most were throttled in the womb of their "dream".

No one listens any longer.A threat to the sovereignty must be destroyed.It has always been.And thus,Rebellion.

Hah! Rebellion.Take for example,the three kingoms era.Dong Zhuo,the ultimate baddie,Using his courtside position to lie his head in the lap of lady luxury.The Yuan Shao's call to arms.

Cao Cao wanted to end the choas.

Liu Bei wanted to restore the glorious Han.

Sun Quan...I dunno.Fought for his family name of Wu.And perhaps for land.

In the end,they fought each other for what they thought was proper ruling.It all comes down to one glorious word.Politcs.Many small bloodsucking insects.

Perhaps we would never truly understand why wars are fought."They" say it is neccessary.We,the people oblige.Political ideals,land,money.Diplomatic ties with millitary deterrence is only perhaps prolonging whatever war.Peace can never truly be attained.People like their guns too much.A lack of understanding.It disgusts me that this,is the glorious ruler of earth.Humph.

"It takes one man to gamble the card of peace.Then he gets shot."-Me

alone at 11:17 PM

Sunday, January 22, 2006

THINK! For once.

I just woke up.It's twelve pee am.It's smack in the middle of the holidays.I don't have a job.Well,other than updating this,meeting Ms X or any of my friends or cousins and playing Counter Strike and warcraft.Yes,it's the life huh?A hell of a lot of time to think too.About life,Love,Peace,Joy,god,now you know I'm a positive person.Weird.I also think about thinking.Why though?Why think?Why this ability to question the workings of life,when in the end,the greater issues remain unresolved?Look where it has brought us.We are still unsure about Ghosts,and spiritual communication after the big D.We come up with crazy ass ideas like Life was the cause of a chemical and genetic mistake.Yet,thinking has stopped us from dying so fast.It has prolonged life.Survival?The basis of thought?I think therefore i survive?Ah,but that is the big issue isn't it?Thinking about Life's purpose and that.Thinking about the world.

The scope of our thoughts,the ken,reduces as we will.Or at least,it's smaller the dumber your are.We think about the social structure of things.We reduce our ken from life,to mankind.We think of politics.Then following that,we think of our current lives,Family.Detached from the community.And within that lies the darkness.We think about ourselves.Our life.One.What happens next.What am I to do?Is it really true?When we think of the big picture,ME is usually just behind,breathing down one's neck with the dagger of self gain poised at the spine.Human nature,is after all everyone says,self before rest.But...we are more civilised now.Just as Alfieri no longer keeps a pistol in his filing cabinet,we no longer think of ourselves.Why?Love.Has evolved.Thousands of bards over thousands of centuries,still cannot unravel this enigma.A little feeling that fills the heart.That can choke one senseless,and bring you to your knees. Beautiful.Yet at all once,scary. Life without love is animalistic savagry.Love is what makes life i think.Or it could be god's little joke to keep us occupied here on earth.

"Further analysis needed on topic."-me

alone at 8:42 PM

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Guess who's Back.

Back again.Feels great to get to writing again.No thanks to that stupid site about bacon and velocity...Crashed me hard disks it did.Well,anyways,here i am once again.Came back to the writing.

Lesson 1)
BEWARE KIDS.Especially those in the gifted streams.

Not only will they someday be utilised as our most beloved Grassroots leaders,They can so kick your ass at gaming.Now,when i say gaming,i don't mean Need For Speed,or Space invaders for you...old school..folks out there.Gaming.Comes in many forms.From Halo,to sigh...monopoly.Yes.He can smack you with his gun butt without you knowing,and make THOUSANDS off of ya by Monopolising the Bloody Railways.It's true...Kids are getting stupider.But something has to balance out. Some are just becoming immensly intelligent.


Hah!It's back! My impromtuness.It's here!Yay!

But...Gifted Stream...There's always been something fishy...Selective theoretical intelligence.What if people are seived through?People are stating to NOT think things over.

Next topic...LOVE!

Or not...

alone at 8:33 PM

Friday, January 20, 2006

Step by proverbial step...

I sit here my heart full of grief.No,no one's died.In fact life is going fantastic for me.That is,when i look at myself from afar,over a period of time.I'm young,healthy,i've got the holidays before me,and my dearest Miss X next to me.I've got all my best friends and cousins,and come to think of it,best friends OF cousins backing me up.Russell,Mark,Joshua,Ruben,Sean,Anand.Thanks guys.Meeting newer people,like Nitty,fun fellow,him. And yet...Something teensiest feeling of remorse that sources from,what appears to be a very shallow area.Maybe it's cause i should apologise to Domingo.Sorry man,no harm done.(mutter mutter...happy Jose?) But maybe it's sorta the feeling i am,set to change the world,yet,nothings bloody happening.Stuck in a place that most Ang Mohs think is near Beijing,China or at best a small mining town in Michigan.Check the last part out.You'll be surprised.So anyways,what is my ambition?To rock the world,and when i leave it,to exit with aplomb and several thousand statues?But,statues fall apart.And even memories die.How many heroes are we ignoring today?It is just so human to forget.Sigh....Yeah,to forget huh...Sorry domingo.I mean this one.So,it will come to pass,perhaps i will be a pinprick of blue paint in the canvas of the world.A sentence in the history books.For what?My life to be remembered as that?To forsake so many other feelings in pursuit of what children yawn at in class?Do i need that?Humph.I am too precious to dwell as a half remembered fact.Sure, there will be admirers,enthusists.But for what?They live,praising a noble.They die.With them their ichor of memoirs.Another takes the place.Such a drag.

"What's the point in making a mark on a world that hardly cares?"-Me.

alone at 10:38 PM

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The tough road back up.

I think i'm back.I'm not sure.Am i?I'm computer hopping,yeah.I didn't really plan anything...And since this is a foreign computer,my impromptu initiative is sorta screwed.Well,i COULD tell you about Terry Prachett...Possibly the greatest fantasy-humour Author on earth.Or i could go on about how Zhang Ziyi,pretty as she is,is so NOT a sayuri...Or i could just blab on about life like i usually do.I'm sorry that i'm beating round the bush today...Wait.It's what i usually do. But this time,i am not presenting facts and asking you to come up with your own.Frankly,your reading of this post is quite simply a waste of your time.Hmm...The munching of fruit loops is really annoying.A new discovery.Speaking of which,so are these,new inventions straight from my head to yours:

1)Self frying fishsticks.Beats me how they fry themselves though.

Well.I'm sure i had a couple more...Weird how these things sorta slip your mind.Just zpppt.Gone.Important stuff too.That could make me millions.Oh yeah,all o this stuff is patent pending.So,bugger off.Okay.I'll be off now.Be back. soon.

alone at 10:59 PM