Monday, October 30, 2006

The House Of Cards

A very interesting thing that. The house of cards. Reminds me of life. Patience will get you to the top. But, you are but subjected to the whims of fate, luck, the elements and, of course, other people.Other people who blow your house of cards down with a sniff just so they can make theirs free from competition. The house of cards is life.House of cards.House. More like the mere metalworks of a building. Yet, so fragile.But if you were to make it yours, to protect it. Shelter it, then it only depends on how fragile you are, before it has chosen to fall. Yet,some houses are played, again, against the rules.Gold linings secure it in place.Only because dad could afford the luxury. The gold lined house of cards, more sturdy than the norm,fed, of course,because the norm desire it so.

Then,of course, we merge our card houses, fragile, open to the winds, with another's. To find, i guess, security and warmth. Yet, when this merger is taken apart, cards are lost, and pillars will fall.Pillars that root deep.Ha,Pillars, i have said, that root.Deep.Irony.

Yet, in a house of cards, Kings sit beside fives, aces next to fours.Maybe, it is time, i guess, that we stop building our own card houses, and focus contributing to all.For, the house of cards is made, not of one standard card, but of Aces, kings and numbers.And all can be the foundation.And any can reach the top.

Fine bit of propaganda huh.

alone at 7:18 AM

Sunday, October 22, 2006

It begins Yet again.Lolx.

I thought i lost this blog for a while...Seems i was just signing in to the wrong blogger account. Haa...No, i'm not usually that blur.Stop laughing. I'll rip your arm off and slap you with it.

Life thus far huh..Nothing much.Alot of waiting.Still. Stupid results which i don't want to talk about. It hits me time and again jsut how crunched up and unmoving our lives here are.Everything is drained. Everything is just, well, for lack of a more perfect word, sianz.Sometimes i just gotta take my hat off to singlish.It's a stupid,horrible mutation of a glorious old language by a bunch of asians who don't know better which, it seems, to be of utmost entertainment to Ang Mohs,foreigners.Which is why i question time and again some of the works of Arthur Yap. And questioning that question, leads me to question the question that if singlish is the only true singaporean Gem that will sell in the english international literary market.Does Singlish sell? I personally, think it's a travesty.

If you're going to curse,use hokkien.If you're going to have a conversation, just use english.Why do we have to include nuances of other languages in one that is crucial to master in the world today?I love hokkien.It's such a rough, down to earth dialect.Nothing like the singsong teochew, or the somewhat melodious cantonese.Hokkien is quick,curt, and very to the point.It's a beautiful language.I would like to learn more of it someday. Everything you say in hokkien is shrouded with the mists of a very generalised insult.You can't help expecting chairs to fly whenever someone orders prawn paste fried chicken in the local seafood restaurant using hokkien.Hokkien comes with a serrated edge i find in few other languages. I cannot judge the english language for it has become a norm.Anything i would say about it, would undoubtedly be biased. I adore the purity of ancient celtic.Generations of wisdom can be found in the african click talk. A certain regal splendor comes with Latin.And Hebrew certainly seems to be the language of angels.The only one tongue i have no love for, is my own.Tamil. I blame society entirely.Don't expect me to do something about it.

alone at 10:08 PM