Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Huxagon Has Many Sides

Once in a while, the world just hits you in the face doesn't it?Like taking in a deep cold breath of artic air, life flows back into you.Perhaps, i shouldn't say life.'Now' flows back into you.Past flows back into you.A long sleeping part of your brain comes back.Back into the light.Back and stronger than ever, for, while he was asleep,he was growing.He was dreaming,creating,thinking.Now, as one i have come back to the world.I have returned,now,strengthened,more so with my emotions. More so,with my dreamings.It just takes a tiny trigger,a small thought that sets off a chain reaction,purging worry and thrusting that in the shadow,perhaps,prematurely, into the light.But, who is to question my prematurity now? I am,perhaps drunk on this newfound impetu.Nay,freeway.Driving along at over a hundred miles per hour.And i'm not running out of gas.
Aldous Huxley's brave new world was just that tiny spark that i needed.It got me thinking.And i can't stop.Thinking,weighing the magnitude of a souless utopia,of an emotionless dystopia.It's sorta in the middle you know?Or in a whole new class of it's own.Somewhy, Mustapha Mond sorta brings mind that guy playing Dahlsim in Streetfighters.Anyways, i began thinking about this,and it's kinda scary.Perhaps, if the Savage,no,he is no savage.He is more human than any decanted baby in this,Pfft,brave new world.It's also kind of sad that the traditional human perseverence and determination in most sci-fi fiction is not seen here.Pity,really that john faces a similar unglorious end as Paul Atredies did.Yet,it was all because he was to human,and too revolutionary in his own right.Yet, i feel huxley could have done so much more in his book, enroached on so many more 'ideals' that we see as 'befitting' today.Alas,an idea like this has boundless potential,but he could have done more.I especially enjoyed his little joke about the reporter getting kicked in the coccyx.

alone at 1:14 AM