Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Of the faces,and their couplets

You know, I ran into an old friend the other day. From primary school. We haven't seen each other in four years.And she remembers my name clearer than day. Was I That unforgettable?

It got me to thinking you know.That everyone that you meet,that you're gonna meet,You're gonna remember them by one incident that happened in your exchange. One line they said to you. That line will resound in you, and over the years, is the line that you will think of whenever you remember their name.I guess it takes time. For that uncanny line to surface up and glue itself to the memory of the face and name.So, what i'm getting at , is that we all remember people by a single thing they say to us.

Like,there was this guy called ronald. He got into a riff with my best friend at the time. And he choke-slammed(wrestling was a single important medium of communication last time) my best friend's well, friend. The words i remember him by are " who's next?". I was prepared for a fight, but it never happened,because we became friends the next day.

As people come and go, my life is invariably filled with quotes, wisdom, they leave behind. And my mortal memory shall honour these as long as i am able.

alone at 7:27 PM

Monday, November 27, 2006

Toilet musings 1

And it's actually quite funny as I think during late night TV time, who would be the one lying on the other's shoulder crying softly at the arthouse flick and who would be the one who rolls their eyes and wants to switch to soccer. Wow. My life is so weird. Ah well.

Here's something i came up with in the toilet. All of the work, and the following idea are solely the property of Paul Victor,2006. Thank you. Enjoy!

They call me the teller. Of course, in your world, it would make you think of, most probably, a bank teller. One of those yuppies who act like they’re so highly paid, who wear their branded suits which so much pride and say, they work in “finances”. And yet, who sit, oblivious, behind a counter and a sign which says, “Hi, I’m Donald, happy to serve you.” Oh, How I hate their remarks, and that look they give me when I say I would like to deposit twenty five dollars. Give a working man some credit! It’s an honest amount. Well, so anyway, they call me the teller. The Teller of Tales. Did it create more of an effect, the capitalizing? I thought it would. Time and again, I ask myself why those bumpkins couldn’t have made it more, well, adventurous. Like, The Druid. Or the Oracle. Yes, the Oracle. No one messes with the oracle. The great Grand High all knowing Oracle. Yet, I guess, my role in this tale is far from grand or of great import. You see, I saw the world, that world, not the one you are sitting in, in your cozy armchairs, reading my ramblings with bad lighting on, that world, which I so briefly visited, through the eyes of a tea kettle.

Let us get one thing straight here, this is not your everyday, run of the mill fairy story where tea kettles talk(though I did) and wizards have long flowy beards(The one in my story had one, but that was by pure coincidence) and where unicorns play all day with pixies and forest nymphs. Unicorns, my friend, contrary to popular young female belief, are enormously stupid creatures. Their horns, for example, are an evolutionary wonder that enables them to stop walking into trees. Pixies are sly little buggers that would try to sell you leprechaun gold(which vanishes at the in the moonlight)at a profit. And forest nymphs can hardly be mentioned on the off chance this book in misplaced in the children’s section of the library. Let me just say I tend to whistle whenever I see one.
By now you will probably either be so captivated as to carry on reading, or be thinking that I’m some kind of crackpot(no pun intended). Well, to the latter, let me allow you the promise that the forest nymphs, or one at least, is an integral part of the main plot. And to the ladies, a dashing young hero is also in presence, alongside a Bard who singeth songs of romance and gaiety. Did I mention the bard always wore a tunic so that you could always see his washboard stomach? Got your attention? Good. Let’s move on.

There.Hopefully the start of an epic fantasy of magic, romance and...humour.Well.

alone at 5:00 AM

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Once every while, God sends you a little calm, amid the raging tempest that is life.A tiny incentive if you will, a chance for all the negative to leave, and trust me, it's gone, and all the positive to take over. A chance for all that sunlight, happy, shimmering ...well, love. And when you cast away the demons of worry,anger and such, everything becomes so much more perfect.And life, is actually livable.

And peace, finally takes hold. To step on the badness, until nothing more remains. And you open your eyes, and ask yourself, why you were doing all the ill that you were. It doesn't matter if the world we're living in sucks,they way you want to live in it comes into existence, and the principles and morals that you place so highly becomes infused to that peace.And that peace, finally, fuses into your being. And I am clear about my life.Thank you, Thank me, Thank God.Perfect.

alone at 4:18 AM

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Growing Bubble

Growing up. It's seeing the same things in a different way i guess. But it keeps changing you know,inkilings of the past do remain...but... It's like, i'm a dust particle in a bubble, which eventually pops.Only, i find myself in another bubble, a larger bubble. Things that couldn't be seen past the bubbly exterior of the old bubble make themselves known in the new one. And eventually, i drift to the edge of the bubble, and me, being of non- soapy nature, pops the bubble.Only, again, to find myself in a new universe of ever expanding bubble.And within that bubble, the air that was contained in the old bubbles mingle freely with the air of the new.And that, i guess, is growing up.

Or, you might say, it's a perpetual metamorphosis from cacoon into insect, only to find that you're still within a cacoon, to be made member to the insect world after you shed. Again. And Again. I find it...saddening, that things from your past are all diffrent when you 'grow up'. Like, Barney for example.Once, he was fun and songs and joy. Now, he's just a huge purple homosexual dinosaur.

They say that when you look at a Rembrandt now, and again in twenty years, you're gonna see it differently. I don't think for a second it's just paintings that this occurs in.Like the sky, you know?It's unparalled beauty, every cloud formation, a gift, a delicate painting, from God to you. You just don't take notice.Am I the only one who can continue to look upon beauty,just as it is?

"And I try to remain wholesome in a bootilicious world."

alone at 3:25 AM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Something like...

Deja Vu.You know, the feeling that this moment has happened before.Deja Vu.You know, the feeling that this moment has happened before.Ever felt it?Kind of a weird phenomemnon,i didn't read up about it, but those bigwig neuro-whatchamacallems probably say that an external stimuli caused a sync with the brain's neurospectroscopic mambo yadda yadda.Well, to me, it's a curious thing that makes life, all the more interesting.

But.I don't just get Deja Vu(s).But.I don't just get Deja Vu(s). Mine can get quite freaky, and it happens pretty often. Oftimes I find myself at a very familiar junction that I know I've walked down before(Metaphorically). Yet, Deja Vu is the felling that the moment itself, is familiar.I find myself experiencing it, you could say, momentarily BEFORE the moment.It's pretty weird, i can then clearly see myself,choosing a particular action in the nexus of possibilities, and then, the resultant consequence of that action.It's not that I'm just imagining it, i can actually really see myself, as in see, what would have happened.Or what can happen, if you think about it that way.Almost like...premonitions, I guess. It would be above me to grant myself a gift, if you will.But it really is freaky,for lack of a better word,when it happens. I don't really know what it can be classified as, a warning? Or is it jsut my imagination working over time because it doesn't want me to suffer for my actions? But why can't I shake off that funny Deja Vu-ish feeling?

The Matrix saw Deja Vu as corruption in the program.

And then there's Jamais Vu.The very opposite of Deja Vu, that something so familiar can seem so new and exciting again.Kinda like Christi. Hee.

Here's how you can induce it.Look at the door. Door.Door.Door.It's a Door. like, Door. D O O R.Haha. Door.A door. door. door. door. door. door.door. door. door. door. door. door. door. door .door. door.door.door. door.A Door. Is it how it's even spelt anymore? Door.

alone at 8:18 PM

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Monumental Tradition

And now I suddenly find myself gaining a comparitive affinity to hawker food.I'm starting to feel disgusted about fast food.Think about it.Everyone eats the same thing.It's cooked the same way.It's prepared the same way, everyday, day in, day out. Same batter, nothing new.Anything new would just be a planned publicity stunt on something already existing. It's all the same anyway! They're gonna fry it in the same batter, it's gonna taste the same.All that conformity is disgusting.What with all the health hypes and transfats issues, I, the tired consumer will now switch to good old hawker food.

Ahh, hawker food.Every meal is different.Not jus tthe variety,no everytime they prepare it, it's gonna taste different.Taste different, but the inkling of a constant is always present, because the same ingredients are used.Not the strict completely similar fast food. And also, with every dish you eat, a little bit of culture and heritage can be felt. Tradition, and not momentum, I guess.Haha.

I guess i can only agree with Ya Kun kaya toast.Though it's kaya toast.They do still toast it the same way, no matter how hard it is to believe.It's by far the best prepared stall(?) to survive in today's pop culture world. I hate pop culture.It's all so damn superficial.

I still love the Mcpepper.And if they bring it back, i will eat it everyday.

alone at 3:15 AM

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Lookee here

I have been tagged by Nan!One. Think of 15 short bits of interesting stuff about yourself. And they've gotta be true.Two. Come up with 5 false statements regarding yourself, but for fun's sake keep them in the threshold of believability.Three. Jumble them all up together and list them in any order.Four. Post them on your blog and let people guess which the five false ones are!Five. Get 6 others to do the same.

1)I own a lucky pair of underwear
2) I have been in the hospital for more than 5 days before
3)I hate violence,especially to women
4)I know where to buy roses for a dollar each
5)I find pink adorable
6)I have cried at a movie before
7)I have eaten betel leaves before
8)I am a fan of final fantasy
9)I hate mice
10)I want to take up rock climbing
11)I own at least one good shirt
12)I churn out poems on a regular basis
13)I have skipped PE for over a month before
14)My brother steals my slippers and loses them often
15)I like things that smell good

I now tag, Seetoe, Dan Fu,Venu, Jia Qi,Darren(in hs chinese blog) and Joy.

alone at 4:32 AM

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Facelift And A New Idea

First Up, I would like to say a Thank You to Nanny for helping me out of the rut that was my ardous old blogskin.Now it looks so much better, and so much easier to read.Though i can't seem to get out of the green/white colour scheme.Old habits die hard i guess.

While waiting for the 302 at Yew Tee just now, i had the most fantastic script idea.It goes something like this,

(Showdown between Tadakatsu[Generic Japanese Warrior Name 1] and Goemon[Generic Japanese Bandit King Name 1] ensues)

Tadakatsu:You know what must be done.

Goemon:Forgive her!Forgive me! Please do not make me do this...We are but human!(In desperation)

Tadakatsu: I will fight for the sake of my honour and hers! Even if she chooses the path of a...of a peasant's Whore!(As a pained expression transcends into blind battle fury)

Goemon: ...Then,samurai(with contempt), I shall have to draw my blade.(A mirthless laugh at the irony of the situation) And teach you to be a gentleman.

(Tadakatsu unleashes a roar as he charges towards the Bandit king.Goemon likewise, runs swiftly to meet him.Both adversaries draw their blades, ringing, from their scabbards.They seem to pass each other, and only one has scored a fatal blow.Both are a now facing their backs to each other,all is still.Nearby, watching the battle, the pregnant Natsumi is crying.)

(After a long pause,Tadakatsu,already kneeling, digs the tip of his blade into the ground)

Tadakatsu: Natsumi...(In steely silence,eyes closed.) Turn away.I don't want MY child to witness this.(A smile plays on his face as Tadakatsu relinquishes the hold on his sword.He slumps to on the handle,dead.)

(Natsumi remains turned, and only the audience see her close her eyes as comprehension of Tadakatsu's forgiveness dawns.The tears continue to fall,this time, softer.)

(Goemon throws down his weapon,and crying, rushes to the samurai's body.)


Something like that.Tadakatsu is actually infertile.So yeah. I gotta beef up the story some more.
Wish me luck for PW tomorrow.

alone at 4:00 AM

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Globe

Will be the name of the bar that i will eventually set up. After the Globe Theatre, of course. And over here, all the drinks will be based on the Shakespearean.Pure,Simple, Genius. The menu would contain delightful items such as,

The Hammie
-Filled with melancholy and drama, this drink has it all.Bittersweet romance and dark revenge converge in a delightful tropical twist of false lunacy that will make you lick your lips and proclaim you are but mad, north- north west. Caution,It is also very very strong, and will have you seeing ghosts soon enough.

Spotty Orp
-A special one for the ladies that will have you simply jumping out the next window you see. A myriad of flavours that leave with just a spot of lime after-taste,truly addictive.Just don't get too obsessive about it.
$13.90(ladies drink free on wed.)

Lifting the "Ban"
-Strong,bold tastes explode with barbaric ferocity and unbirdled independence. This cocktail makes a slave out of any drinker.Blended with the freshest tropical island fruits, prepare to be spellbound by this earthy brew.

$25.00(prior drinking exp needed)

"R J" Shots
After downing our patented heady sweet "R" shot, take the strain away with our citrus sour "J" shot. The tastes merge with the intensity of a starstruck lover.Truly these two are meant to be together.

$19.00(for both shots)

House Special: The Tempest

Creating a whirlwind of flavours,colors and aromas, this drink combines all the social aspects of humanity and attempts to blend them into a community.Mixed with sweet-sour pineapples,farmyard apples and european vanilla, This drink is heavy to the senses when drunk, and light on the psyche when done.It creates the perfect illusion.Have Another!


Yeah, something like that.

Copyright:All products,inventions, innovations, ideas related to the Globe and its drinks are solely the property of Paul Victor.If you wish to purchase any of the ideas above, please contact me.Thank you.

alone at 7:36 AM

Friday, November 03, 2006

Indiana Jones

I woke up the most contented I've been in awhile today.I had a beautiful dream last night, of which details I will not disclose, except that i awoke to her image bursting into my mind.Glorious way to start the morning. Just perfect. Special things happened yesterday. And i fell for her again. It's a cycle i don't mind in the least being a part of.

-Editor's Cut-
(Proceed:Filler, Ver 1.1)
Start:Filler Ver 1.1
"Dan fu kanna sai"
"Dan fu Pumpkin Pie"
"Dan fu Make me Cry"
End:Filler,Ver 1.1.

And also, my heart is still not at rest.Good luck for your subs,Christi. You KNOW, i'm always here for you. It's like so duh.Just one more hurdle.You so fit, sure you can clear it.

Well, here we are, that lull in the storm.Yet let your guard down and get hit. Or, let your guard down, and evade.This is the Joy of Double Meaning.

"You know the part where he slips under the door and sticks his hand back out to get his hat just in time?Yeah."

alone at 11:16 PM